Painting an enchanting artists garden

Painting an enchanting artist garden.
Enchantment is a joyful feeling. It arises deep in my being when surrender to experience happens.
Colour, fragrance, place, pattern, intention, memory, are only some ingredients to an old timeless recipe. To be deeply enchanted I have found hidden teachings revealed from my seventy years of exploration into the world of mystery. Lessons from my ancestors whispered at night I capture in snippets of remembered dreams or flickering orbs I just catch out of the corner of my eye. I listen to the quiet fleeting voices of inner worlds. Throughout my life it is attention to details as these that gives me dimensions I rely on. Tangible dimensions! as I am able to paint for you to see too.

A pink house glows in sun or shade it’s hue I notice is enlivened in the darkened shadows, enchanting me into stillness to peer into its essential nuance. Naming colours to translate my experience on canvas is more like conducting the orchestra of my feelings to ripen in fullness of their vibration.
Claude Monet's garden in Giverny, France has this kind of enchantment I speak of. As I paint the visuals from multiple visits to this enchanting garden, I notice the action of painting, applying colour to paper, that I enter the portals of wonder. Enchanting moments are filled with sheer joy, its world is as real as my paintings here.

Enchanting moments are filled with sheer joy, its world is as real as my paintings here.
Colour, fragrance, place, pattern, intention, memory, are only some ingredients to an old timeless recipe.
- Jill 

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